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  • Quality education is culturally inclusive:  Connected Planet Learning curriculum is created with cultural inclusion and student/teacher diversity in mind.  Our ongoing goal is to create lessons that help students remain linked to, or connect with, their own cultures/histories while purposefully providing  a collaborative multicultural approach to experiencing the world and working together.

  • Quality education is free:  Connected Planet Learning offers FREE and AFFORDABLE subscription access to complete curriculum. The curriculum is the same, the only difference is that paid subscriptions allow the printing of copywritten workbooks and Learning Partner resources.

  • Quality education includes direct instruction and teacher support: Connected Planet Learning curriculum consists of a complete school year as well as summer enrichment lessons. Each daily plan consists of direct instruction and digital practice sheets. Once practice pages are submitted, a certified teacher looks them over to provide feedback and support as needed.

  • Quality education is individualized:  Connected Planet Learning  curriculum is created with student interest and self-agency in mind. Students have a voice in their learning and can choose individualized learning pathways supported by a certified teacher and based on student interest. Each week students are given three topic pathways through which they will learn the skills assigned that week. Choices change weekly and no matter what topic is chosen students will learn the same skills and receive the same support from a certified teacher.

  • Quality education engages students in their families & communities: Connected Planet Learning curriculum is set up in weekly learning cycles. Students will be exposed to new learning every week and will show what they have learned at the end of the week. Students are required to complete portfolios, sharing not only what they have learned, but how they have engaged in their families and communities. Specific time is set aside within the curriculum to allow time for family and community engagement.

  • Quality education helps support environmental and global awareness:  Connected Planet Learning curriculum incorporates environmental responsibility and global awareness by providing lessons in which students learn about the seven continents, where they are located, what animals and peoples live there, different cultures, and how we can impact and support one another as global citizens. Students will also be guided to ask questions and help find solutions to problems they see.

  • Quality education should build critical thinkers and problem solvers:  Connected Planet Learning curriculum focuses on building critical thinkers. Students are given activities that promote critical thinking and Learning Partners are provided with ideas on how to build on those critical thinking skills throughout the school day and beyond. Through certified teacher feedback, students are engaged in reflection on their own learning with a focus on process, improvement and goal setting.

  • Quality education is skill-based:  Connected Planet Learning curriculum is skill-based. This means that each curriculum serves a band of ages rather than being confined to grade levels. This allows for the best possible placement of students based on readiness. Therefore, the P-K curriculum is for students ages 4-6, the K-1 curriculum is for students ages 5-7 and so on through grade 6. The overlapping curriculums are intended to ensure strong academic and critical thinking skill acquisition. 

  • Quality education is rigorous:  Connected Planet Learning curriculum is intentionally created with rigor in mind.  Organized into sequenced units of study in which learning cycles back to ensure mastery of foundational skills as well as frontloading of upcoming skills.

  • Quality education is accessible:  Connected Planet Learning curriculum is web-based. This means that it is accessible globally. All lessons and digital workbooks are online, removing the need to print any resources. Additionally, the courses are accessible on multiple devices including computers, tablets and Apple products. Finally, a certified teacher is on hand to support and differentiate tasks as needed so that ALL students have access to grade level content.

"Who dares teach, must never cease to learn"

- John cotton Dana

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